Which of the following political activity have you done in the last twelve months?

Topic: Politics, Stateoftheworld Click on Your Choice and View Results

 Written or called any politician at the state - local - or national level
 Attended a political rally - speech - or organized protest of any kind
 Attended a public meeting on town or school affairs
 Held or run for political office
 Served on a committee for some local organization
 Served as an officer for some club or organization
 Written a letter to the Editor of a newspaper or magazine or called a live radio or TV show to express an opinion
 Signed a petition
 Worked for a political party
 Made a speech
 Written an article for a magazine or newspaper
 Been an active member of any group that tries to influence public policy or government
 I posted rants and abusive comments on Blogs - Facebook - and - Twitter
 I will not say what I did